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Less Egli - music cabaret

Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Less Egli - music cabaret
Pointed lyrics, fully taken from life and passionately musically realized with vocals, guitar and bass.

pure cabaret

Less and Egli are judges and rock musicians. For a long time it was clear that they have to bring their songs and their witty lyrics to the people unfiltered, not only as a band but also as cabaret artists. Their songs are beautiful, funny, rough and evil - pure cabaret.

Stories from the life

IRGENDWENN is now called their first full-length cabaret program. "Less Egli" create satire, reveal politics and our everyday lives. They deal with problems that do not exist. They show how words feel when they are appreciated, abused or neglected. It is pure irony that it is precisely "Less Egli" who, as the evening progresses, abuse words and songs to hurt the political feelings of fellow human beings. As fare dodgers in a train full of fare dodgers, they check the tickets. An impertinence. The fact that no one knows where the train is going is only a side note. "Less Egli" think it will stop, somehow, EVERYWHERE.

The artists

Wolfgang Egli and Daniel Weniger are co-founders of the dialect band "Piggnigg". Their music sounded more and more solid over the years, while the lyrics became more radical but also more profound. In 2003, the band created the program "Mundartnacht" together with Joachim Rittmeyer and "Bloody Mary" for the 200-year anniversary of the canton of St. Gallen. When Egli and Weniger performed with acoustic guitars, they were immediately successful. Under the name "he and i" they told stories for heart and soul, for stomach and laughter lines. Now the time has come for a change of scenery and the duo is now performing under the name "Weniger Egli".


Music cabaret sample songs

Min Garte

Costs [CHF]

Duo from 1,800.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance and fee

Not included

-   Travel expenses for longer journeys

Optional extras

For events from approx. 50 persons (at extra charge):
-   Sound system with radio headsets
-   Light and technicians

Team composition

Duo with vocals, acoustic guitar and bass

Size of audiance

20 to 250 people

Space requirements

At least 2 x 2 meters

Area of application

Whole of German-speaking Switzerland

Required infrastructure

Socket 230V/10A; for more than 50-70 persons: Sound system



Customers' views on this offer

Adelheid Blumenthal


Weniger & Egli ist bei unseren Gästen gut angekommen!
Ich würde das Duo wieder engagieren!

Markus Aepli, Kulturkreis Gossau


Der Anlass mit Weniger Egli war ein voller Erfolg: Eine erfreulich grosse Zuschauerzahl und ein humorvolles Musikduo in Höchstform aus dem Nachbardorf Flawil trugen zur sehr guten Stimmung bei.

Wir haben nach dem Anlass sehr viele positive Feedbacks erhalten!

Anna Mazzotta, Mattig-Suter und Partner


Wir durften einen begeisternden Abend erleben, gespickt mit Humor und Intelligenz begleitet von guter Musik.
Herzliche Gratulation für den Auftritt namens aller Anwesenden.

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