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Michael Sokoll - confident and competent in every situation

Michael Sokoll - confident and competent in every situation
Michael Sokoll - confident and competent in every situation
Michael Sokoll - confident and competent in every situation
Michael Sokoll - confident and competent in every situation
The former SRF sports presenter always leads confidently through galas, seminars, podium discussions and other events.

For a confidently moderated event

If you are looking for a professional and reliable presenter for your event, who is always in control even in hectic moments, then Michael Sokoll is the right person for you. Whether you need a moderator for festive galas, general meetings or seminars, for media conferences or panel discussions: Thanks to his enormous wealth of experience, Michael Sokoll always strikes the right note, he radiates calmness and looseness and knows how to captivate and inspire his audience. The moderator will be happy to support you with detailed and procedural questions right from the preparation of your event.

Tips for your own presentation

Would you like to learn from a professional how you can master your next presentation or lecture with more confidence and charisma and inspire your audience? Michael Sokoll regularly conducts seminars in which he passes on his stage experience to people who have difficulty with public appearances. Here, even small tips can have a big impact.

Portrait and references

Michael Sokoll, born in 1968, has built up an excellent reputation over the last 25 years as an editor, presenter, speaker and presenter of sporting events. The former SRF sports presenter stands for professionalism, reliability and sovereignty. He is strong in personal contact with people, a resilient and persevering personality, uncomplicated and open and the calm even in crisis situations. Among other things, he was a speaker at the Lauberhorn race in 2015, hosted the summer party of ABB Schweiz AG and led through the Swiss Challenge on Golf Sempachersee - among many other assignments.

Costs [CHF]

Half day (up to 4.5 hours)
depending on complexity from 700.00  flat-rate
Full day (from 4.5 hours)
depending on complexity from 2,000.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Preparatory work
-   Overall moderation

Not included

-   outward and return journey
-   Possible overnight stay

Size of audiance

10 to 5000 people

Area of application

All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure

For big events: Public address system with microphone


German, French, English

Customers' views on this offer

Fabio Peyer, Morningstar Switzerland GmbH


Michael ist ein fantastischer, professionneller Moderator, der uns mit Charme, Expertise und Spontanität unterhaltsam durch den Tag geführt hat. Nebst diversen positiven Feedbacks seitens der Teilnehmer, sind auch wir, von der Organisationsseite, extrem begeistert.

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