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silent moon

silent moon
silent moon
silent moon
silent moon
Enjoy dignified background and dance music in the harmonious combination of keyboard, saxophone and vocals.

Charming sounds

Offer your guests an unforgettable evening with music that touches, seduces and enchants, from soft jazz sounds to rousing pop hits and the most soulful oldies. Silent Moon plays unobtrusive background music at your company party or candlelight dinner, at your wedding or birthday party. For listening and relaxing, for dreaming or dancing, for enjoying the festive togetherness without having to forego animated table talks.

Rich repertoire

Do you love the classics of easy listening jazz like "Summertime" or "Misty" and the timeless hits from the world of pop like "Feel" or "Mandy"? Do you belong to the lovers of oldies and evergreens like "Strangers in the night" or "Only you"? Silent Moon is the ideal band for parties with a colourful guest list. The duo's repertoire comprises over 500 titles and is constantly being expanded.

Recorded duo

Silent Moon, that's Susanne Reutlinger (piano, keyboard and vocals) and Roman C. Herter (saxophone and clarinet) The duo will entertain you with style, joy of playing and professionalism. Both musicians look back on a long musical career at home and abroad and have a lot of experience with live performances in different formations.

Sample songs from Silent Moon

Fly me to the Moon
Girl from Ipanema
Night Birds

Costs [CHF]

Private events and weddings
max. 6 hrs. presence time from 1,900.00  flat-rate
Business events
max. 6 hrs. presence time from 2,200.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance and fee
-   Equipment and all material
-   Travel expenses

Not included

-   Food and drinks of the musicians
-   Possible overnight accommodation costs

Optional extras

-   Susanne Reutlinger as solo entertainer

Team composition

Susanne Reutlinger: piano, keyboard, vocals
Roman C. Herter: Saxophone, Clarinet

Size of audiance

10 to 500 people

Space requirements

At least 2 x 3 meters

Area of application

All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure



English, German

Customers' views on this offer

Ursula Boltshauser, SIlent Moon


Wir sind begeistert!
Sie waren wunderbar und die herzliche Teilnahme am Fest war spürbar.
Sie sind auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen und die Musik hat nicht nur uns, sondern auch den Gästen sehr gefallen.

Wir können sie nur weiter empfehlen!

Rudolf Schwarzenbach


In der Tat haben wir am Sonntag ein tolles Fest gefeiert! Alles stimmte: Die Gäste - das Wetter - das Essen - und natürlich auch die Musik. Ihr Repertoire und ihre Ausstrahlung waren wunderbar. Auch die Lautstärke und die eingelegten Pausen stimmten für uns. Von den Gästen haben wir ebenfalls sehr gute Rückmeldungen - auch zur Musik! - bekommen.
Ich denke, dass wir für ein anderes Fest durchaus ‚Silent Moon' empfehlen oder wieder engagieren können.
Besten Dank

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