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Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts

Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Walk-Acts - theatrical figures on stilts
Experience vultures and spiders, fire show and comedy at a height of two metres and still up close.

Walk acts à la carte

The artist group has committed itself to a very special way of walking: You stilts. On stilts, they transform streets, squares and halls into theatrical spaces in their fantastic costumes and thus play - despite their outstanding height - directly in the audience, on a stage smaller than the area of a foot. The walk acts appear as different characters and master the art of comedy as well as the playful handling of fire. This is entertainment on a high level - in the truest sense of the word.

Spider spiders and spectacular pyromania

With violent flapping of their wings and loud cawing, the approaching vultures make themselves felt. Whether as a flock of birds or as a lonely vulture - the fluttering, somewhat eerie creatures cast a spell over the audience from the first moment. Be careful that the vultures do not pick the raisins from the buffet...

Silently the spider stalks its way to your guests. Then again it remains motionless in the warm sunlight. It is on its way to catch prey and seems to be motionless - until its trap snaps shut in a flash. The spider can also seem scary at first, but the fear of the useful pet is quickly dispelled.

When darkness has fallen, bizarre figures move through the crowd. The ritual of fire begins. A circle of heat is drawn. Larded with silver bows, columns of fire and rain of sparks, the walk acts let the poetry of fire speak.

The actors and actresses

The group "gangart" is an association of artists with very different pasts. The walk acts see themselves as street artists, aerial acrobats, clowns, magicians, costume witches, fire poets and high wire crossers. They are circus artists who demonstrate their body control at heights of up to 2m, musicians who make every room sound in new tones and actors whose art is created in the situation of a moment.

Costs [CHF]

per artist 870.00  flat-rate
Small spectacles and fire spectacles
with at least 3 artists from 3,800.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance and fee
-   Driving expenses and material, at the fire spectacle by arrangement

Not included

-   Catering during the performance

Team composition

1 - 7 artists

Size of audiance

50 to 3000 people

Space requirements

Room height of at least 3.5 m.
Level, not very wet floor.
No steps.

Area of application

All of Switzerland



Customers' views on this offer

Dorena Raggenbass, Stadt Kreuzlingen


Es war ein grossartiger und für dien Anlass genau richtiger acT auf Stelzen... Die Beratung war gut, wir wussten, was auf uns zukommt!

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