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Balkan Express

Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan Express
Balkan-Express plays groovy, danceable melodies from southeastern Europe with an oriental touch.

Music for dancing from Southeast Europe

Take the most beautiful traditional melodies from Southeastern Europe and make your own danceable arrangements - that is the recipe of Balkan-Express. Equipped with electric guitar, electric bass, the Andalusian cajón as drums and various wind instruments, the group plays folk, rock, jazz, soul or Latin. The group writes the lyrics themselves.

Versatile repertoire

Originally the band consisted of Western European, Turkish and African musicians who were dedicated to pure folk music. With every change Balkan-Express has developed and finally found its own style. The themes of the pieces, the singing, the partly odd rhythms and the melody leading by wind instruments, mainly saxophone and clarinets, remain from the south-eastern European folk music.

The repertoire of Balkan-Express includes pieces from many countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Moldova, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland and Georgia. In addition, there are pieces from the Eastern European Yiddish Klezmer tradition. The musicians of Balkan-Express offer a musical journey through areas that are known to most people mainly as hot spots from the news.

The musical structure of the pieces is characterized by the traditional basic structure of the themes. The band skilfully breaks up this structure and allows various other styles to flow in: Rock, Swing, Jazz, but also Reggae or Tango.

The group performs at weddings and birthdays, at street festivals and political events, in museums and churches. Balkan-Express plays as dance music, as table music for dinner or concertante in the traditional sense.

The musicians

Reto Küng: Soprano saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet, recorder, back vocals, percussion. He also feels comfortable in classical, jazz and Indian music. His ear is trained for beautiful melodies that appeal to the heart. He arranges most of the Balkan-Express songs and writes lyrics in English.

Raymond Bohler: Drums, Cajón, loves music that is played groovy and cool. Especially playing drums with a band is the salt in the soup of life for him.

Andreas Lienhard: Electric bass, bassoon, back vocals, is a multi-instrumentalist with a classical background. As a primary school teacher and family man he is committed to children and makes sure that the pieces of Balkan-Express are groovy and danceable.

Michael Thamm: Electric guitar, vocals, inspires young people as a music teacher for the guitar. He has his roots in pop and rock music. He also writes lyrics for Balkan-Express.


Music by Balkan Express


Costs [CHF]

depending on the occasion from 1'200.00  flat-rate
to 2'000.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   All-inclusive in the north-western Switzerland region

Not included

-   Travel and possibly overnight expenses for events further than 50 km from Basel.
-   Catering for the artists

Team composition

Reto Küng: soprano saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet, recorder, back vocals, percussion
Raymond Bohler: Drums, Cajón
Andreas Lienhard: electric bass, bassoon, back vocals
Michael Thamm: electric guitar, vocals

Size of audiance

20 to 1000 people

Space requirements

Minimum 3 x 4 meters

Area of application

All of Switzerland and abroad

Required infrastructure

We need 2 separately fused sockets 220V 10A.



Customers' views on this offer

Beatrice Lüthi, Balkan Express


Super band, super Stimmung. Es hat total
Spaß gemacht mit Balkan Express meinen 50ig Atem Geburtstag zu feiern. Unbedingt weiter zu empfehlen!

Daniel Wunderli, Geburtstagsfest


Balkan-Express war uns ein unabdingbarer, professioneller, fröhlicher, grooviger Fest-Begleiter. Auch Dank der guten Stimmung, die die Gruppe vermittelt hat, konnte exzessiv getanzt und gefestet werden. Toller Anlass mit einer tollen Gruppe.

Edith Hehlen, Balkan-Express


Die Balkan-Express-Band hat uns total begeistert! Vom ersten Stück an war die Stimmung unter den Gästen fantastisch. Die Band versteht es ausgezeichnet, Schwung, tolle Rhythmen und Virtuosität hinzulegen. Unsere Gäste haben sich nur lobend über diese feinen Musiker geäussert - zumal die Band sich nahtlos und sehr flexibel in unseren Festablauf einzuordnen wusste. Wir können die Balkan-Expressler nur wärmstens empfehlen!! Vielen lieben Dank an euch für die Freude, die ihr uns geschenkt habt!!

Kristina Neuenschwander


Es hat alles wunderbar geklappt. Die Jungs haben eine tolle Show gemacht. Vielen Dank!

Tanju Dalgiç, Balkan-Express


Balkan-Express hat mit ihren mit schwungvollen Rhythmen und Melodien unserer Hochzeit eine wunderbare Note verliehen ;-)
Und, sie sind sehr kooperationsbereit wie auch flexibel und locker, wenn es um spontane Anpassungen geht - sehr sympathisch die Jungs. Gerne wieder.

Albin Schleiss, Geburtstagsfest


Ich und die ganze Gesellschaft war begeistert und sehr zufrieden mit den vier Balkan Express Musikern. Sie passten super zu unserem Thema: Zigeuner "Polter"-Abend mit Untermotto Fellini....

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