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Gancho - World music at its best

Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
Gancho - World music at its best
World music at its finest - sometimes dreamy, sometimes groovy and jazzy, but always gripping and authentic - this is "Gancho".

The thing about the hook...

The "Gancho" is a special moment in the step repertoire of the tango dancer. By wrapping her leg around that of her partner, she literally has him "on the hook". It is the point at which time seems to stand still for a short moment. The same happens to the audience with the music of "Gancho" - it gets stuck and resonates. Whether wildly hooked or thoughtfully ballad-like, the five musicians play passionately through a repertoire of original compositions and newly arranged songs from the extended fund of Musica Popular Brasileira.

A concentrated load of experience

The musicians of "Gancho" worked/work with artists and formations such as Kenny Wheeler, Chantemoiselle, Mirakolo, Das JazzHorchEster, Marc Sway, Djinbala, Christoph Walter Orchestra, Tomas Sauter, Kaspar Ewald, Hans-Jürg Rickenbacher, Markus Graf, Kelim, Martin Streule, Vincent Millioud, Pesche Zwahlen and Hans Ermel.


Some samples

Cielo Abierto
Morning Glory

Costs [CHF]

Enter from 1,500.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Fee and performance

Not included

-   Travel expenses of the musicians
-   Catering, drinks and any overnight accommodation costs

Team composition

Manuel Jaggi- Flute
Willy Schnyder Piano
Marc Wagner- Guitar
Tom Gasser-Bass
Christoph Staudenmann-Drum

Size of audiance

20 to 100 people

Space requirements

3 x 5 meters

Suitable for

Apéros, weddings and company events

Not suitable for

Dance Music

Area of application

All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure

The band brings their own equipment


German, French, English

Customers' views on this offer

Pesche Leu, kulturfabrikbiglen


Wir hatten das grosse Vergnügen, auf Ihre Empfehlung hin, die Band "Son de la Suiza" für unsere Silvester-Party bei uns zu haben. Die sympathischen und überzeugenden Musiker und ihre Sängerin verstanden es bestens, Stimmung zu machen und unsere Gäste von den Stühlen auf die Tanzfläche zu holen.
Ich bin begeistert.
Falls Sie mehr dazu sehen wollen:
Besten Dank also für Ihre Vermittlung!

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