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Nico Arn - musical comedy show

Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Nico Arn - musical comedy show
Are you looking for a songwriter for your event? A comedian? Or both in one? Then Nico Arn is the ideal cast.

Stand-up comedy with music

Just as you wish: Nico Arn puts together his program especially for your event and appears either as a singer-songwriter, comedian or singing comedian or comic singer. As a stand-up comedian, for example, he addresses topics such as life on the outskirts of Switzerland, how to stay mobile even without a driving licence, or what can happen to a provincial from the Rhine Valley in the big city. The entire show lasts around 40 minutes.

Funny songwriter

Also as a singer-songwriter Nico Arn makes your guests laugh. His songs are definitely funnier than those of Bob Dylan. Even though they will probably never become that famous. Nico Arn sings about everything possible and impossible, but it has to be funny. On request he will also write a song especially for your event.


Costs [CHF]

Depending on scope and duration
from 2,000.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance and fee

Not included

-   Travel expenses of the artist
-   Food and beverages and any overnight accommodation costs

Size of audiance

20 to 500 people

Space requirements

At least 2 x 2 m, with or without stage.

Suitable for

Private and corporate events

Area of application

German-speaking Switzerland, Western Austria, Liechtenstein, Southern Germany


German, English

Customers' views on this offer

Markus Kilchherr, Zunft zu Rebmessern Reinach BL


Nico hatte bei uns einen super Auftritt und konnte das Publikum gut mitreissen. Der eine oder andere Spruch etwas unter der Gürtellinie, aber das kam beim (fast) reinen Männerpublikum gut an. Sehr sympathisch und unkompliziert. Ich kann Nico nur weiterempfehlen!

Thomas Herger, Hochzeitsgesellschaft


Nico war super. Ich habe Ihn vorgängig mit ein paar Infos des Brautpaares versorgt und er hat diese musikalisch und sehr unterhaltsam ins Programm eingebaut. Der Auftritt war ein voller Erfolg und er hat mit seiner sympatischen Art die Gäste voll überzeugt und fantastisch unterhalten. Nochmals Danke Nico!

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